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Pino Porzio confermato c.t. del Canada, ma rimane alla guida dell'Acquachiara

  Pubblicato il 04 Ott 2116  17:32
Pino Porzio è stato confermato alla guida della nazionale canadese. Il nuovo mandato non pregiudica assolutamente il suo rapporto con la Carpisa Yamamay Acquachiara. Il tecnico partenopeo, infatti, continuerà a guidare anche la formazione biancazzurra.
Porzio al timone della nazionale canadese, come è noto, nella scorsa stagione ha sfiorato la qualificazione alle Olimpiadi di Rio. Il Canada, infatti è stata la grande rivelazione del torneo di qualificazione olimpica di Trieste.
Porzio ha firmato un contratto che lo lega al Canada per tutto il prossimo quadriennio olimpico, ma con una verifica di tale rapporto - stabilita da entrambe le parti - fissata per marzo 2017.
"Sono molto contento del rinnovo dell'incarico - commenta Porzio -. L'obiettivo più immediato è la qualificazione ai Mondiali di Budapest 2017. Le Olimpiadi del 2020? Non tutti gli attuali giocatori del Canada, data l'età avanzata, potranno prendere parte ai prossimi Giochi Olimpici, qualora riuscissimo a centrare la qualificazione, ma non sono preoccupato: alle loro spalle c'è un gruppo di giovani molto promettenti, tra i quali coloro che hanno vinto i Giochi Panamericani Under 19".
Giuseppe Porzio signs on to shape the future of Water Polo Canada
Water Polo Canada (WPC) has confirmed today the framework of an extended collaboration between renowned international coach Giuseppe Porzio and its Senior Men’s Team program.
Porzio was highly influential alongside the Canadian men’s team leading up to and throughout the 2016 Olympic Qualification tournament in Trieste, Italy. The Canadian squad finished 6th, although delivered some stunning performances in the event, while facing some of the sport’s traditional powerhouses.
Porzio currently acts as Head Coach of Acquachiara Napoli and his new mandate in Canada will have him spending precious time with the Men’s National Team before and during the 2016 WPC Summit in Calgary in October. He will also be very present in his coaching role during the key preparation and competitive activities of the next year. The agreement with WPC thus secures a close involvement through the 2017 FINA World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, but also looks at continued collaboration beyond that point.
“Our federation is absolutely thrilled to have reached an agreement with master coach Giuseppe Porzio” said Water Polo Canada High Performance Director, Justin Oliveira. “The impact of his coaching and leadership knowledge was beyond evident throughout the preparation phase and at the event in Trieste. This led to transformation within our staff & athletes that has begun to set the course for the future of water polo in Canada.”
As an athlete himself, and later as coach, Giuseppe Porzio has indeed earned the pedigree to take the Canadian program to the next level, having claimed over forty titles at major water polo events since the 1980’s. His many accomplishments include an Olympic gold medal (Barcelona 1992) and numerous podium results at World Cup, European Championships, FINA World Championships, Mediterranean Games, Champions League, European Super Cup, Adriatic League and Italian Championships.
In close collaboration with National Training Center Lead Coach Brian Parillo, Coach Porzio will now help establish the path and training plan for the senior men’s athletes who are already looking to the milestones dotting the road to Tokyo 2020 and beyond. Giuseppe Porzio’s role will also include a general high performance advisory role within WPC, which will include interactions with the women’s senior program in Montreal. This pursues the “one team” approach which was established following the 2014 High Performance Review completed by WPC through senior consultant Wilma Shakespear.
“With what is now a dynamic combination of young eager coaches guided by a seasoned professional coach, our Men’s National Team feels ready to embark on the next steps of its journey,” said Oliveira. “We want to see where we can take this program next, together in working with our Canadian staff and athletes”, he said.