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Waterpolo People

Markoch: "Perchè il Crotone non vuole pagare mio figlio?"

  Pubblicato il 12 Lug 2120  23:45
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo la lettera di Sergey Markoch. E' in inglese, ma è chiarissima: egli lamenta la mancata corresponsione da parte della Rari Nantes Crotone delle spettanze maturate da suo figlio Petr. Ovviamente attendiamo la replica dell club calabrese, dse vorrà inviarla.
At the beginning of 90’s I had a luck to play in the Italian Championship.
In 1992 Italy won the Olympic Games. Italian water polo championship was one of the best in the World. The great Masters of the Game (such as Estiarte, Milanovic, Babic, Soster) have played for the different Italian clubs. I have played in one team with Dudo Simenc, Sergio Afric.
After many years, the highest-level players are still playing in Italy. Italian water polo is known to be really smart, nice and modern. Another famous attribute of the Italian Championship is the great relations between the teams and the highest level of communication.
But, unfortunately, today I want to speak about the negative side. My son, Petr Markoch, has been playing in the Italian A2 Sud club Rari Nantes Crotone (season 2018-2019). After already more than one year since the Sport Contract expired (May, 31st, 2019), Petr has not received the part of the salary. The President of the club, VINCENZO ARCURI, and the head coach, FRANCESCO ARCURI, do not respond the telephone calls. They don’t call back either. They do not want to pay the money, indicated in the Legally fulfilled contract.
I know that all the Italian players who played that season in Crotone have received the season salary in full. And I don’t understand the attitude of the Crotone Club senior officials to the foreign player and especially, with the surname Markoch, who used to develop water polo and continues to do it till nowadays all over the world...
I have worked in Italy, in Malta, in Kazakhstan, in USSR and of course, in Russia. And I have never had a problem with receiving the earned money. I could not think that it is possible in the 21st century.
Sergey Markoch
Cinque anni fa successe anche a mio figlio in A1 con una squadra ligure. Nella pallanuoto accade spesso che ci sia qualche società inadempiente
Luciano Privitera

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