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Gli Oscar Fina 2018 a Ungheria maschile e Usa femminile

  Pubblicato il 17 Dic 2018  07:50
Gli Oscar Fina 2018 sono stati assegnati all'Ungheria maschile, allenata da Tamas Marcz, per il secondo posto in World League e la vittoria nella World Cup, e agli Stati Uniti femminili per i successi in World League e World Cup.
The FINA Male Water Polo Team 2018 award went to Hungary. The Magyarsmade the most out of the FINA vvents this season. In the World League Super Final they clinched the silver medal after losing a thrilling final to Montenegro in a penalty shootout. However, their young team managed to bounce back for the FINA World Cup, beating the powerful Serbs in the semis – for the first time in a knockout game since the 2004 Olympic final – and went on to clinch the title by defeating Australia.
“It’s a very special price, after a very special year for Hungary - says Tamas Marcz -. We were second in the World League and we won the World Cup after 19 years. We wanted a lot this title. Looking ahead, we of course want a lot to be in the Olympic Games. At the last World Championships, at home in Budapest, we lost the final, but we are motivated to perform well in Gwangju, Korea. The field there will be very strong, but we are optimistic on a good result”.
The FINA Female Water Polo Team 2018 award was given to USA. The North American squadstood atop the podium in every event they entered during the year - including their 12th FINA World League title and their third FINA World Cup crown in a row. During the process, they lost one game in the Intercontinental tournament but that was followed by 15 straight victories, including wins over Australia and Russia in the respective FINA finals. The golden run of this team has been lasting since 2014, as they have won all 10 big tournaments held over the past five years. 

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